We have finally expanded, all the way next door! Into the beautifully renovated 71 High Street - A Grade 2 Listed building (Late 18th Century).

August 2020 was the first time we approached Halton Borough Council about the premises next door to our current building, you can read a whole timeline of our development over on this blog post https://www.hazlehurststudios.co.uk/post/hazlehurst-studios-development - this led to providing some supportive statements for Halton Borough Council’s bid for Town Deal funding in December 2020.
In February 2021 we asked you all a few questions, that would help shape what we wanted to aim for over the next few years, you can read the results of those questions over on this blog post https://www.hazlehurststudios.co.uk/post/results-of-the-hazlehurst-studios-visual-art-survey
In July 2021 we found out that the Town Deal bid was successful and some of this money would be used to renovate 71 High Street, with ourselves as the final tenants. You can read more about this part of the funding here, and it’s just the start of some exciting plans for the High Street! https://reconnectingruncorn.info/creative-and-digital-skills-centre/
For the past few years we have had to focus outwards, as we outgrew the building we currently occupy, but now we can plan for the future! Welcoming new artists and finally planning all those workshops that people have indicated they would like to do!
Hazlehurst Studios is currently solely run by volunteers, so please bear with us whilst we navigate the next few months!
Come and chat with us at Halton Makefest on March 25th at Widnes Library and then look out for our official opening day in April.