For our first prompt of 'Draw on Halton 2' we focused on Soap and it's connection to Halton and Hazlehurst Studios - which you can read about here 'Draw on Halton - Soap'

As always the entries have all been very different, and we are always intrigued with where people are going to take the prompts. As we have changed things up this time, we will be adding to this page as the challenge continues. So if you are still working on something soapy, don't worry you have till the end of March to send something our way.
Rachael Prime: Exploring heritage soap packaging

Rachael also created a video of the process she used to create this piece which you can see here
Maria Tarn

Cathy Rounthwaite - A drypoint etching referencing the mantra "wash your hands save lives" and the bubbles in which our lives are now contained.
One of the proofs has been tinted with the colours found in bubbles
Simon Jones - Takes a closer look at bubbles with these macro shots.
Corinne Denman - Two pieces 'Bubbles' is watercolour sketch with pen and 'Cart' A sketch with brusho background.
Shelley Walker

Sue Bentley - a different take on soap

Helen Tyrrell - Making Soap
Abby - takes a look at packaging from Port Sunlight

Olivia McCarthy

The next prompt will be 'Perform' found out how to get involved by reading this blog post 'Draw on Halton 2'