Welcome to the seventh prompt of 'Draw on Halton 2' and we are diving into 'Water'

We often mention that Hazlehurst Studios is situated on the High Street, but we also like to talk about the fact that we are in fact surrounded by water, the form of canals and rivers.
The Borough of Halton is separated by the River Mersey, with two colossal engineering projects bringing us back together. The Mersey Gateway and the Silver Jubilee Bridge are a continuing source of inspiration for local artists, in particular photographers.
Does water have that same pull and do we feel connected to our local waterways? How many times a day do you cross over a body of water? A canal is an artificial waterway, but the redevelopment and reopening of canals could bring life back to certain areas, as other industries leave.
What is the most famous painting of water?
Maybe some poetry will inspire you?
All Day I Hear the Noise of Waters by James Joyce
All day I hear the noise of waters Making moan, Sad as the sea-bird is when, going Forth alone, He hears the winds cry to the water's Monotone. The grey winds, the cold winds are blowing Where I go. I hear the noise of many waters Far below. All day, all night, I hear them flowing To and fro.
Pop over to the 'Draw on Halton 2' blog post to see how you can join in and send your entries our way.
As always the entries have all been very different, and we are always intrigued with where people are going to take the prompts.
As we have changed things up this time, we will be accepting entries as the challenge continues, for all the prompts. So if you are still working on something soapy, performance, nature or buildings etc, don't worry, you have till the end of March to send something our way.