Summary of the first 'Draw on Halton' creative challenge - with the eighth prompt being 'Sport'

Interesting things to consider:
What is the oldest sport in Halton?
Has Rugby been around longer than football in Halton? (Which is better?)

Artists featured on the board are:
1.Maria Tarn 2.Kyra McCarthy 3.John Bond 4.Rachael Prime
5.Paul Quigley 6.Kyra McCarthy 7.John Bond

All work submitted for the 'Sport' #drawonhalton challenge
Maria Tarn:

Rachael Prime:

John Bond:
The inspiration for #drawonhalton ‘Sport’, is the amazing sports woman and world class professional climber, Shauna Coxsey, who was born and brought up in Runcorn Shauna Coxsey. She should have been participating in the Olympic Games in Japan this summer and competing in a new discipline, a sort of climbing triathlon combining three individual pursuits of speed, bouldering and lead. Instead she states "it has been a particularly tough year of training with hours spent hanging from her fingertips from the door frame in the kitchen". This is a paper sculpture inspired by the boulder wall.

Paul Quigley:
Local photographer Paul Quigley has joined in this week, with a combination of photography and history. The first photograph is of Dan from Kyujutsu Archery Club which is the local archery club and then Paul leads on with the next image and how the two link together.
The fragment of lead plaque once stood in the grounds of Norton Priory Museum & Garden. It commemorates a feat of archery and originally read, ‘From the Hall Door of the Priory, to this spot Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey shot an Arrow on February 9th 1906 a distance of 344 Yards’. At the time this was a world record from a Longbow!
In 1787, Sir Foster Cunliffe, Third Baronet of Acton Park, Wrexham was invited to a party at Norton Priory, Cheshire, the home of Sir Richard Brooke, were he saw for himself the pleasures of archery and the benefits, mainly social, of such a sport. Sir Richard had erected butts for both ladies and gentlemen and provided bows and arrows to enable them to experience the joy of an ancient sport. Sir Foster Cunliffe and the Williams-Wynns were founders of the Society of British Bowmen, later the Royal Society of British Bowmen, which was formed at Acton Hall in 1787. Which with other societies later became Archery GB.

Olivia McCarthy:

Kyra McCarthy:
