Summary of the first 'Draw on Halton' creative challenge - with the sixth prompt being 'Smell'

Interesting things to consider:
What memories do you have of the smells in Halton?
Catalyst Science Discovery Centre have been working on a project that documents the smells of Widnes with the artist Kate McLean
Artists featured on the board are:
1.Helen Tyrrell 2.Corinne Denman 3.Maria Tarn 4.Rachael Prime 5.Olivia McCarthy
6.Shelley Walker 7.Ellie Francesca Watson 8.Kyra McCarthy 9.Rachael Fielding 10.John Bond

All work submitted for the 'Smell' #drawonhalton challenge
Nicolas Carrillo: Our studio artist Nick reflects back on his road trip in America last year and these particularly pungent stops are perfect for the ‘Smell’ prompt.
Toilet graffiti - California rest stop Shower - Colorado campsite
Rachael Prime:
Maria Tarn:
John Bond:
Being a Widnesian I had to go to other authorities for inspiration on smells. Taken with Cyrus Larcombe-Moores poem "My Ghost" Cyrus was the winner of the Foyle Young poet of the year 2016.
My Ghost. I spent two years banishing a ghost from my head So now it sits in my back garden And sometimes it stands by the kitchen window Watching us scramble breakfast eggs and burn toast. And every now and then, whenever I'm not alone, it stands at the end of my bed. And it will sleep in my cupboards among the baggy t-shirts and jumpers. And wherever it goes I smell chestnuts, honey, cinnamon, raisins. It still gives me butterflies, and the small clings to everything, I just wish I could eat alone sometimes. A two lino print and stencil image.

Claire Pitt:

Olivia McCarthy:

Kyra McCarthy:

Helen Tyrell:
Shelley Walker:

Alison Quinn:

Corinne Denman:

Rachael Fielding:
Thankss great post