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Draw on Halton - Pubs and Clubs


Summary of the 'Draw on Halton' creative challenge started - with the Tenth prompt being 'Pubs and Clubs'

Interesting things to consider:

What is the coin used for in the picture included in this post.

Where is your favourite pub or club in Halton?

What's your favourite drink?

Artists featured on the Board

1. John Bond 2. John Bond 3.Claire Pitt and Rachael Prime

4. Claire Pitt and Rachael Prime 5. The Moodie Family 6. Lorraine

All work submitted for the 'Pubs and Clubs' #drawonhalton challenge

Claire Pitt and Rachael Prime -

John Bond -

Words from John:

I couldn't resist doing a quick lino print for this weekends #drawonhalton subject Pubs and clubs. Richard Martin records that his Grandfather who was Head Doorman at La Scala in Runcorn, turned George Harrison away on either 16 October 62 or 12 November 62, when The Beatles were playing at the venue. He told him to go back to his digs to change from the jeans he was wearing.

The Masonic before it had the top floor removed after discovery of dry rot. Locally known as "The long pull". It is not sure whether this refers to the incline the drays would have travelled to deliver the beer barrels from the river to the pub, or the length of time it took to pull a pint.

The Moodie Family:

The members were delighted the Mersey Beach Club was back open, although no swimming was allowed and social distancing was still in place #drawonhalton ~ Lego with The Moodie’s



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