Summary of the first 'Draw on Halton' creative challenge - with the fifth prompt being 'Market'

Interesting things to consider: What memories do you have of the markets in Halton? What's the weirdest thing you have ever bought at a market?
Artists featured on the board are:
1.Rachael Prime 2.John Bond 3.Olivia McCarthy 4.Maria Tarn
5.John Bond 6.Kyra McCarthy

All work submitted for the 'Market' #drawonhalton challenge
Nicolas Carrillo: Our studio artist Nicolas Carrillo has been looking into his archive and finding inspiration from his travels for our weekly prompts for #drawonhalton, so that we can share old and new work from Hazlehurst Studios
There were all made In Palermo, Sicily – October 2018
Camera: Fuji GW690
Film/ Processing : Ilford FP4 Stand Processed in Rodinal at 1:100
Rachael Prime:
Maria Tarn:
John Bond:
Claire Pitt:

Olivia McCarthy:

Kyra McCarthy:
