Summary of the first 'Draw on Halton' creative challenge - with the third prompt being 'Hospital/Doctors'

Interesting things to consider: Dive into some research and discover all about Sandy Lane Isolation Hospital - quite apt for the current pandemic crisis we are going through. '
Or how about the Fever Hospital in Widnes that opened in 1878?
Artists featured on the board are:
1.John Bond 2.Rachael Prime 3. Kyra McCarthy 4.Corinne Denman
5.Mima Cornish 6.Olivia McCarthy 7.Allison John

All work submitted for the 'Hospital/Doctors' #drawonhalton challenge
Rachael Prime:
Ellie Francesca Watson:
Allison John - Digital Painting

John Bond -
During the Mental Awareness week, there couldn’t be any other subject but a Mental Hospital. Crow wood Hospital was both a mental hospital and an isolation hospital over the years. Although few images are now available this hospital must have been in the middle of the countryside with views to the ever enlarging industrial and chemical works in Widnes
This is a Moku Hanga watercolour Print and Wood Engraving.
At the end of Mental Awareness Week and at a time when we are all isolating with the Covid-19 pandemic lets give thanks for the better hospital's we now have and the brilliant Doctors and Nurses that take care of all their patients.
A linocut video by local artist John Bond Hazlehurst Print #drawonhalton
Corinne Denman

Olivia McCarthy

Kyra McCarthy

Mima Cornish:

Hello, nice blog