On the 4th of May the 'Draw on Halton' creative challenge started - with the first prompt being 'Canals and Rivers'

Halton is lucky to be surrounded by Canals, separated by the River Mersey (Widnes on one side and Runcorn on the other), with the River Weaver also making a brief feature. Canals and Rivers are a huge part of Halton's heritage, as well as being an important part of it's future - Check out the Unlock Runcorn website.
As Canals and River was our first prompt and most popular, we had to create two display boards for this one!
Artists featured Board 1 are: 1.Mima Cornish 2.Rachael Prime 3.Kyra McCarthy
4. Paul Ellams 5.Claire Pitt 6.Sarah Smith

Artists featured on Board 2 are: 1.William Woods 2.Olivia McCarthy 3.Allison John
4.John Bond 5.Corinne Denman 6.Ellie Francesca Watson

All work submitted for the 'Canals and Rivers' #drawonhalton challenge
Maria Tarn - previous Mark Maker work 2019 (4)
Claire Pitt - Photographs of local canal and wildlife (9)
Cathy Rounthwaite - previous Mark Maker work 2019 (7)
Rachael Prime - Sketch work and stitched piece (4)
Mima Cornish - Painting (1)

Allison John - Digital Painting (2) Mixed Media (1)
Ellie Watson - Sketch (1)

William Woods - Photographs (2)
Paul Ellams - Paintings (4) Slideshow
Sarah Smith - Photographs (2)
Kyra McCarthy - Sketch (1)

Olivia McCarthy - Sketch (1)

Corinne Denman - Sketch (1)

Claire Pitt - mixed media (1)

Elaine - photograph (1)

John Bond - Print (1)

Next prompt is - 'Open Spaces'