Welcome to the fourth prompt of 'Draw on Halton 2' and we are bumbling onto 'Buildings'

Well 2021 has started with our third lockdown, certainly not the way anyone wanted to start the year and it certainly does not help with inspiration or motivation to be creative.

We came up with this prompt when we were discussing possibilities with our work experience students. We were pondering what makes up the structure and bones of Halton, what makes it memorable, whether that be a negative or positive thing.
We previously looked at Churches in the first 'Draw on Halton' that is one type of building that we could have spent a long time on. The same could be said for Industry, School and Pubs, it's a similar theme, but with so much possibility.
In the forefront of our mind, is how do we view our building 'Hazlehurst Studios', it's heritage as a former 'Mersey Power' building and where it currently sits on Runcorn High Street. We are surrounded by derelict buildings and as Runcorn moves forward, do we leave these buildings behind?
Question time?
What is your favourite building in Halton? This could be one that has been demolished.
What building do you wish could be restored to its former glory?
Pop over to the 'Draw on Halton 2' blog post to see how you can join in and send your entries our way.