For our third prompt of 'Draw on Halton 2' we focused on 'Nature' and it's connection to Halton and Hazlehurst Studios - which you can read about here 'Draw on Halton - Nature'

As always the entries have all been very different, and we are always intrigued with where people are going to take the prompts.
As we have changed things up this time, we will be adding to this page as the challenge continues. So if you are still working on something soapy, performery or nature like, don't worry you have till the end of March to send something our way.
Maria Tarn: Maria has created a series of textiles pieces inspired by walks in Norton priory during the first lockdown
Cathy Rounthwaite: Cathy has created a series of work inspired the fungal growth on a storytelling chair based in our community garden project 'Old Town Bloom', she has also created some pieces from disintegrated courgette stalks. This is a developing body of work as Cathy explores the medium of ceramics.
Rachael Prime: Rachael has created this narrative after exploring a local nature reserve, which you can read about here 'Wigg Island' and here 'Draw on Halton 2 - Nature'.

Claire Pitt: Claire is finding nature on her socially distanced wanderings during daily exercise or walks to the studio for work
Jo Papiz:

Cos Denman:
Helen Tyrrell:

Shelley Walker:
Eva Woods:

Simon Jones:
Abby Moyle:
Amy Gordan:
Kyra McCarthy:
The next prompt is 'Buildings' found out how to get involved by reading this blog post 'Draw on Halton 2'